The camper is only 8' long, no rear overhand, so 12' should be plenty to get me back to the bumper plug. the 12v and ground wires in this harness are #10, so for that distance it's not going to cut charging by 50%. I upgraded the wiring on the TT we had since the converter was 25' from the batteries.
I only have 1 battery and 100w solar, also have a 2000w Honda that I can use for power also, so not really needing to rely on the truck for charging except when underway.
I'm pretty handy in the shop when it comes to fabricating stuff, but I only have 110v MIG, so it won't do steel plate correctly to fab a mission-critical item like this. I'm still repairing the water damage and am shooting to have this on the road by the Fall, so if I don't come across a used set of TorkLifts by them I will just buy a set.