Forum Discussion

rexlion's avatar
Aug 07, 2013

Glad I bought Fiberglass, not Aluminum siding

Some nut pulled onto the expressway right in front of me, and I had to swerve to miss him (or her). Unfortunately, as a result my trailer had a small altercation with the pickup that was coming up on my left side.

The pickup was dented behind the door and in the box. It had to be at least $1000 in damage, perhaps two or three times that.

I got my trailer fixed today at Bell's Camper Sales, where I bought it, for less than $80. Makes me feel pretty good about the toughness of a trailer's fiberglass gelcoat siding.



Can you imagine how badly dented (perhaps even punctured) my TT might have been if it had aluminum siding?
  • Mike Up, I agree with your assessment. For me personally, it will be stick and tin trailers. I have zero interest in Filon sided trailers. Right now I have to repair some wood work in my trailer. It's going to cost me about $50-100.00 in materials and a weekend here at the house. I'd hate to see what it would cost if it were a Filon trailer.

    In our local campground about 50% of the fiberglass sided trailer have massive delamination... Especially on the front and back caps. These trailers are in the 5-15 year old range.

    Everyone has choices to make, fiberglass sided trailers look amazingly beautiful, but a tin walled trailer will be in my driveway for the foreseeable future.


  • I agree with the others, I don't see any contact with the gel coat sandwiched wall. Good thing because you'd be getting a new wall if it had.

    That's why I went stick and tin because after being at the StarCraft factory and seeing an entire wall replaced for $8000 ($4000 wall, $4000 labor) after it was hit in an accident. I wouldn't want to deal with that headache. Sure it could had been fixed half @ss but it was new and the repairman at the factory said this was the only way to correctly fix damaged laminated walls, 'replacement'. He said if it were stick and tin, most it would be would be a grand.

    But you do have protection from hail damage. I wanted protection from delamination that I see so much.

    Good luck with it and I'm happy to see only access doors were damaged, and not your body.

    Stay safe.
  • I don't see where it even touched the camper other than the access panels. I love my smooth sides but in this case I don't see what it mattered unless the pics just aren't showing up good
  • Rexlion: Be sure to check back with me in about 17 years. Lol.

    They both should hold up over the long haul. If given a choice between someone cutting me off and an innocent other driver, the guy cutting me off should brace for impact. I'm happy to see that it didn't amount to much.
  • I'm guessing, your insurance had to cover the cost of the repairs to the truck you hit? Sad the car that caused it got away.
  • Other than a tire stripe on water heater door and vent cover, a broken water connection cover and a little trim rub don't see ANY damage to sidewall.

    Hard to tell if aluminum would have been any different

    That tire stripe would have been a badge of honor at most race tracks :B