Forum Discussion

LuckeyUs's avatar
Aug 11, 2019


We spray the toilet & the garbage more than daily. We even sprayed the grounds & underneath the trailer, & still the gnats persist. Is there any way to get rid of them once they’re inside the house.
  • I have used the same. Usually have to change the vinegar after about two days. Seems as though it has to be fresh to work.
  • Wow.. neat trick Dale. I'll have to remember that and give it a shot.

    Does it work outside?

  • Wait until the SPCG hears about that cruelty (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Gnats)
  • This is what I do. Simple, cheap, and non toxic.

    Take a jar or glass. I used an empty jar and clean it out. Put about a half cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Stretch saran wrap over the mouth of the jar. Use a toothpick to poke holes in the top. They have to be big enough for the gnat to crawl into. Secure with a rubber band. Set it on the counter in the kitchen or wherever the gnats persist. You could do one in the bath, one in the kitchen, etc.

    The gnats are drawn to the cider vinegar and will crawl into the jar but won't be able to get out and will drown. Works like a charm. Leave it in place until you don't see any more gnats.
