WOW! Just looked and it's -15.3 F over in Wisconsin 100 miles across the lake on the west side of Lake Michigan and -8.7 F in Indianapolis, IN 258 miles south while it's a balmy +5.8 F presently here in Grand Haven, MI on the East side of Lake Michigan at 11 am Monday morning 1/6/13. What a dufference! I could just give Lake Michigan a big kiss if I wasn't to darn lazy to walk out over the shore ice to do it! Maybe a "Thank You" ecard sent will suffice?
BTW, got 3" more inches of snow here since midnight. Probably going to have to blow off the driveway again and where the street snowplow throws it's stuff on the end but my wife says NOT TODAY! At least they have the streets plowed very well around here so you can see the Asphalt/pavement.
No doubt about it: With the wind at 20-30 mph in Wisconsin, -15 F with a 20-30 mph winds is mighty cold! Wind's only 4-7 mph here and it's much warmer in actual air temps.