Forum Discussion

GA1dad's avatar
Nov 04, 2013

Grey "quest" piping??

So I hooked up the water on my new (to me) 1997 Gulfstream and found leaks at the kitchen faucet. I promtly shut the water back off and am assuming there are more leaks. In your experience, would you repair leaks as found or re-do the entire plumbing system with CPVC? Some of it looks pretty easily accessible, but some of it looks pretty tricky to get to.

The good news is that the furnace worked on our maiden voyage this weekend! Woo-hoo!! But the square roof vent cap leaked when it rained and soaked a brand new mattress,,,,, I guess my project list has gotten a little more detailed.
  • Okay thanks. You make a good point about the pump running,,, hadn't though of that.

    You are correct,, the cap over the bed. I figured the cap would be easily replaced. I saw the crack it was leaking from, so I don't think it's the caulking, but will double check while I'm up there.

    Are there suppliers that publish supply catalogs that you can get to quickly reference parts cost?
  • For me out would depend on what the plumbing was. If pex repair leaks but if it's pvc I'd replace with pex
  • I would only fix the leaks you have. Then turn on the water pump and wait and listen. The pump will run if you are losing pressure. The rig is not so old that you need to change all the plumbing. JMHO
  • I would fix leaks at kitchen faucet...then turn water on....check repairs and continue looking for any other leaks.....fix them until no more leaks

    Replumbing is NOT something easily done in an RV

    And what is a square roof vent cap? Are you talking about a vent over bed that has a lid?

    You can get replacement vent lids...they crack/warp a new vent assemble or install a cover over vent.
    Plus you need to check the caulking that seals the vent where it attaches to roof