Pangaea Ron wrote:
I loved my 1963 Volvo 544. It had a spring loaded window shade mounted inside the grill and in front of the radiator. There was a chain projecting through the firewall and dashboard that led through a keyhole opening. I could pull the chain and it would unroll the shade upward to cover the radiator in cold weather. I love basic and essential technology that gets the job done.
Lol and now we have......snaps to un do winter fronts.
To the op, never used a winter front on any diesel pickup until I was working in the arctic. Never needed one except on long down hill mountain passes in below zero weather.
You will not need it at all if towing. But it also should not overheat with the winter front on with just the small vents or partially open.
My 07 below has most of the fins smashed flat on the first cooler in the stack. Been that way for years thanks to my kids smashing them all in when they were little!
Kind of like a permanent winter front lol. It doesn't get hot pulling 8klb in summer heat in the mountains. Just a little perspective. Light duty diesel cooling systems are pretty robust.