Forum Discussion

kells81's avatar
Aug 10, 2013

Hail damage repairs....

My RV was hit and had some damage back in May. I had the dealer pick it up and replace the roof plastics out of my pocket and give me an estimate to fix the damage on the sides. I was in Pakistan so I didn't see it first hand. Now that I am home and looking at my TT you can hardly see any damage. The dealer wants to replace all 4 sides as the insurance is paying for it. I have talked to 3 people in person now and all advise against it from experience as they say it never was the same after getting new siding put on.

Any thoughts on this? It kills me to spend 10k on something that I cannot hardly see a problem with. I know its not my money its the ins money but I hate to see money wasted. I paid out of pocket to get plastics fixed but would get that back from ins.

I haven't had time to talk to my Ins Agent yet but I have been thinking about either canceling the claim (can I do this?) or just putting the money onto the loan which would near pay it off.
  • I just went through this a couple of years ago. The Alum roof looked like a ball pein hammer tried to give it the dimpled golf ball effect. The cost to replace the roof was more than the book value of the TT. They cut me a check and I kept the trailer. There were a few dings on the side. I was told you could use ice to pop out some of them. My TT was 17 yrs old and still just as good as ever except for the pock marks. When I sold it a yr later, had already bought a 5er, I explained and showed everything to the buyer. The price must have been very fair. We had 3 people coming to look at it and the first ones bought it, total time from listing on Craigslist to cash in hand was 12 hrs.
  • Take the payout and then sell it so you don't have to ship it. Enjoy Pakistan!
  • If you cannot see a problem with the hail damage and it does not bother you, just keep the money from the insurance company and enjoy your RV as is.
  • take the insurance check and put it in the bank to cover the increase in premiums your insurance carrier is going to charge you over the next 7 years.

    good luck

    if there is no damage that you can see I would cancel the claim.

    Who called them in the first place?
  • We got caught in a hail storm in Wyoming. It was quarter sized hail and lasted about 10 minutes. Our rubber roofed, aluminum sided tt (our previous Jayco) made it through just fine. There were very slight dents in the aluminum but you could only see them if the sun hit it just right. We went on with our trip, never bothered with repair or insurance, and then we traded it in, no problem.

    If I was going to do the insurance claim, I would use the money to pay off the loan.
  • pugslyyy wrote:
    I don't understand why you don't just take the insurance company payout directly. You can then do the work yourself, at your convenience (or not, as the case may be)

    Not sure what it would cost to ship a TT to Pakistan but I bet I am coming out ahead farming the work out currently.. I could have replaced the Roof plastic myself easily and probably done a better job but I needed it fixed quick/fast/hurry so it didn't rain into my unit.
  • I don't understand why you don't just take the insurance company payout directly. You can then do the work yourself, at your convenience (or not, as the case may be)