I would give Happijac some time to respond. I have had excellent service from them when I called. I sent my jacks back to them and they sent out new jacks minus the motors. I had one motor that sounded bad so sent that also and they rebuilt it and sent all back to me. One jack got damanged in shipment so I called and they sent another out to me and then I returned the damanged one. I also had one of my levers that busted at the same time in shipment and they shipped the upper end (all the gears and everything but I just needed the lever) so I now have some spare gears in case I have this problem.
What I have been doing is I carry a 18V drill with me all the time and I got a bolt that fits the Happijacs and instead of using the slow motors. I unloack them and use my drill. On speed seting 2 it really cranks them down fast. If I need to crank them down more I switch to speed 1. This is so much faster and quiter than using the jack motors. I guess I'm saving my jack motors for the next owner of the camper:) The motors well be new but the jacks well probably be wore out.