Glacier D wrote:
bigfootford wrote:
When you say you did maintenance... did you fully disassemble them and lube the worm shaft and Nut/ball?
No I did not disassemble the jacks, did the maintenance stated in the manual. That is wax the jacks, put a few drops of oil in the capped hole near the top of the jack and fully extend the jacks once a year.
Glacier D,
What happened to your jack does sound like what some others have said in that the inner tube had some lateral stress on it causing it to bind.
After removing one of my HJ's due to water intrusion causing rust in the motor and blowing the fuse, I can say with confidence that the drops of oil in the capped hole does absolutely nothing to increase longevity of the jack....stop wasting your oil;)
When I rebuilt mine I completely sealed the housing with silicone before re-mounting the jack. The main place for water to enter the housing is where the two wires enter.
There's also an excellent write-up in the forums detailing proper HJ maintenance....can't remember who posted it so just do a search.