How heavy is the camper? How heavy is the wiring feeding the control board, and from there to the motors?
My Happijacks slow down some when loaded, and I don't run all of them at once - too big a draw. One end up a few inches and then the other. It is lifting a 3500 lb camper in my case. They should do better with the higher voltage from shore power, that is why I ask about the wiring servicing them. First step in debugging that is to measure the voltage delivered at the jack.
Happijacks come in two versions, an Acme screw and a ball screw. The ball screws turn easier but are much more susceptible to getting dirty or rusty. It looks like on their heaviest duty jacks they've gone back to an Acme screw.
Mine, and the ones on the camper before this, had an overload clutch that makes a nasty ratcheting sound if overloaded, or if run into the end stop. You didn't hear that?