Forum Discussion

John_H's avatar
Jun 30, 2015

Has anybody,,,(Toilet)

,,,installed a "T" in the water line to install one of these cleaning toilet sprayers. I have an extra home shower sprayer,,,I checked on what the kit was for a 310 Dometic and it in my opinion is kind of costly. I had thought of simply installing a PVC T in the water supply line under there that goes to the toilet, then use my sprayer, buy a spray handle holder from the hardware to put on that back wall, and Walla a toilet sprayer.....How's about it,,what'ya think would it work ???
  • Ok ,,,Thanks Old-Biscuit,

    I would instead install a shut off valve, but reaching down that low, to turn it on, then again to turn it off would defeat the whole idea. We have/use a Toilet Brush with its container which stores there in the corner. This hose would have saved some space in a small room.
  • I thought of doing something like that , but then realized I have two boys , seven and nine . I could just imagine what fun they would have
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:

    Here is the deal. The sprayers are not designed to shut off under full line pressure..
    Check out your kitchen sink sprayer.....if faucet is not ON then sprayer doesn't have any pressure/flow because they are installed downstream (after) faucet valve.

    Same with those RV toilet sprayers. They are connected downstream of toilet water valve. There is a 'stub' on the water valve/vacuum breaker assembly. Hole is drilled thru end of stub and then the flex hose of sprayer goes on that stub with a hose clamp.

    Now when you open toilet water valve sprayer is pressurized for use. Close toilet water valve and sprayer is not pressurized so it doesn't leak and flood your RV.

    Look at vacuum breaker..if it has a stub on bottom then you can buy a kitchen sink sprayer with hose, hose clamp, spray holder and install your own sprayer.

    Sprayer installed in main water line is asking for water leakage problems

    Agreed! I did as the OP suggested and the sprayer leaked like crazy. I ended up doing the same thing as suggested above.
  • Well......

    Here is the deal. The sprayers are not designed to shut off under full line pressure..
    Check out your kitchen sink sprayer.....if faucet is not ON then sprayer doesn't have any pressure/flow because they are installed downstream (after) faucet valve.

    Same with those RV toilet sprayers. They are connected downstream of toilet water valve. There is a 'stub' on the water valve/vacuum breaker assembly. Hole is drilled thru end of stub and then the flex hose of sprayer goes on that stub with a hose clamp.

    Now when you open toilet water valve sprayer is pressurized for use. Close toilet water valve and sprayer is not pressurized so it doesn't leak and flood your RV.

    Look at vacuum breaker..if it has a stub on bottom then you can buy a kitchen sink sprayer with hose, hose clamp, spray holder and install your own sprayer.

    Sprayer installed in main water line is asking for water leakage problems
  • westend wrote:
    Thought of doing the same but I'd like a nozzle on the end, AKA fire hose. I guess a guy could put a quick coupler on the end of the spray hose and even have a choice of sprayers.

    yep, I don't think a standard sprayer would be adequate.
  • Thought of doing the same but I'd like a nozzle on the end, AKA fire hose. I guess a guy could put a quick coupler on the end of the spray hose and even have a choice of sprayers.
  • robsouth wrote:
    What does Walla mean?

    Probably meant "voila", or There you have it!

    And to the OP, If you want one, I don't see why it shouldn't work.