Forum Discussion

SGardiner's avatar
May 21, 2013

Have I plugged up my black tank drain?

Went on our maiden (5 day) voyage over the past weekend. While I campsite had electrical it did not have water or sewage connections.

I preached about water conservation over the course of the weekend, but am wondering if I went overboard. I may have "scared" the family into using too little water when they flushed the toilet. The black tank was at about 2/3 of the 30 gallons capacity. When I flushed the tank I could hear the fluid draining, but the duration was not that long compared to the grey tank, which is of equal volume and full to the same level.

I did not check the tank level until after we left the dump station as the line was long. The tank still reads at 1/3 and I can see tissue in the tank when I look down into the toilet.

I hindsight I am wondering if we created more of a sludge/slurry than a liquid that could be flushed easily.

How much water should you use when flushing? I would suggest we were using about a 1/4 to 1/2 gallon per flush.

Where do I go from here?

Unfortunately we cannot store our trailer at our residence so I am confined to doing most maintenance at the campgrounds. My thoughts were to fill the tank to 1/2 to 2/3 full on the way to our next destination and hope the motion is enough to get things dissolved / moving.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.