Another gotta go there destination. Yeah, you sure ruined it for us. Hah, your incredible images and "dry" sense of humor makes it impossible for us not to follow in your treads or footprints. I showed the DH your TR commenting that these TRs are so persuasive about ditching the cold and wet of the PNW for the cool and dry of the Colorado Plateau. Next year! You two explore the most wonderful places. Isn't it cool to have a partner who loves to poke around in the boonies as much as you do?
We TCers have a lot in common, especially the curiosity to discover what lies beyond the pavement. But, not to drive into sensitive areas. Tread lightly and bring back only memories and memory cards. We do rockhound but only in allowed areas and only choose the most interesting to add to our small collection.
My pills meds consist of one prescription for hypothyroidism. Other than vits, I take no other. DH, otoh, has a pharmaceutical mini store in the bathroom cabinet. Aches and pains from a fall and working in the refineries.
Keep on truckin' with your TC and hope to meet up some day.