bka0721: Thank you so much for an enlightening post rather than an attack.
I had no idea the TC’s encountered bias on other forums. I guess I am just naive. I thought of us all as “RVers,” or “campers,” regardless of present rig.
You said:” DJ is one great guy. He can be blunt and to the point. That is one thing, IMHO, makes him one great person. You know where you stand and he would be the first person to extend a hand, if you were to fall.”
You are probably right. I maybe too thin skinned, it seemed more like a personal attack than being “blunt.” I don’t know him and he does not know me. Maybe we can learn from each other in the future.
Thanks to you, I realize now that making a ”public” statement, and then going private was a major mistake. In essence, it denies the readers the opportunity to see the follow up and clarification. It set off a fire storm of attacks and counter attacks and diluted the thread.
It is a mistake I will not make again. Rest assured.
Your post also taught me a lot about blogging versus TR.
Thanks very much for the education and explanation.
Maybe this thread will get back on track.
As I said privately, Wazoo, love your trip reports, keep them up.