Forum Discussion

D_and_A_plus_6's avatar
Dec 28, 2015

Heated RV Drinking Water Hose

Bought a new Camco 50 foot heated water hose, was using it over the weekend, it was only 20 degrees outside and it froze up. I did have to use an extension cord to get power to the hose, but used a 12 gauge cord. The plug on the hose was always light up. The plug in end was at the camper, and seams to be where it froze. I connected it directly to the city water hook up.

What was I doing wrong? Box says keeps from freezing down to -20.

Is there a way to see if it is working?
  • D and A plus 6 wrote:
    Bought a new Camco 50 foot heated water hose, was using it over the weekend, it was only 20 degrees outside and it froze up. I did have to use an extension cord to get power to the hose, but used a 12 gauge cord. The plug on the hose was always light up. The plug in end was at the camper, and seams to be where it froze. I connected it directly to the city water hook up.

    What was I doing wrong? Box says keeps from freezing down to -20.

    Is there a way to see if it is working?

    The HOSE won't freeze due the heater being run the length of the hose..

    BUT the ENDS (hose bib connections) of the hose are NOT HEATED so they WILL eventually freeze..

    Also the heating elements in the hose will not protect the water inlet of the RV OR the actual campground FAUCET from freezing either..

    Return it and get your money back.
  • Yea if you had it plugged in that long and it still froze up it could be a faulty product.

    Try checking it with a voltmeter to make sure its getting proper power. And make sure the hose is insulated away from snow/ice/water/etc. Maybe radiant cold could have a negative effect?
  • The reason I had to use an extension cord was both the water hookup and the city water hookup was too far from any plug in. The water hookup was in the ground and use a short hose so none of the heated hose was in the warm area where the water valve was.
  • are you sure that the city water haydrant wasn't frozen?
  • Golfcart, It was plugged in about 36 hours before I had issues, 1st night was only about 30 for the low. But that would be a great idea to pre warm before using. Thanks for input.
  • My fresh water tank is not enclosed or heated or I would, and its too close to the slide track under the camper to enclose very E-Z.
    But thanks for the idea.
  • 12 gauge cord. the wire size of his extension cord.

    as for the hose warmer. I dont have any experience with them but if they are anything like other low heat warmers it probably needs to be plugged for quite some time before it will work as intended

    Try pre warming the hose inside your trailer/rv before you hook it up and plug it in. It might give you a jump start on actually keeping the hose warm

    kinda like the crappy engine block heater on my truck lol. Doesnt really do much good if the engine is already cold.. But if i plug it in right after i get home it would do its job
  • Get a refund and use your water tank during cold spells.