Paul Clancy wrote:
GM brakes on the HD trucks have a real reputation for lasting forever and working extremely well. As with any they can suffer from rust in caliber pins if in heavy salt. As t/p said - oem is best on these for several hundred thousand. An inspection is always wise as is fluid change.
Between myself and 4 people I know with 2500/3500 GM trucks, we have all gone past 150K miles with still plenty of pad left on the brakes.
And we all tow reasonably heavy. None of us has ever had any issues that indicated the brakes were even coming close to overheating even on very long steep downhills. Between tow/haul, grade brake and/or exhaust brake the truck is extremely capable.
Just do a good brake fluid flush every year or two, as one should do on ANY vehicle IMHO.
And on our 2015, the brakes are even bigger than my 04.5 along with the exhaust brake.