well, it looks like ill have to remove the exhaust from the outside and disconnect the wires and maybe one more screw in the back (wall side of unit) then hopefully it can come straight up out of the box. We have an electric heater to keep us warm but i would really like to get this going so we can actually use ut when we arent connected to a main circuit somewhere...
randomly however, my fridge actually "turned on".. well, the indicator light on the control board did- and the switches change the light back and forth from auto to LP or off... BUT, it doesnt seem like anything else is occurring.. behind the fridge (running on 120V) i would expect to feel SOME warmth from the coil warming up the ammonia... but i cant feel anything.. havent bothered with propane yet- i doubt the pilot will light anyway, so id rather not risk leaking the propane out..
but the fridge doesnt seem to be getting any colder... im sure it might take some time, so ill give it another day...
oh and the camper is level etc..