Forum Discussion

woodsean157's avatar
Nov 08, 2012


Hello everyone.. new member here.. My name is Sean. Air force vet, currently natl. guard. Married with a daughter, two dogs and a cat. :)

I have a 28 ft. 1994 Cobra Sandpiper travel trailer. i have a question regarding the heat... it has a thermostat and floor vents... but the heat doesnt do anything. ive tried for the life of me to find the furnace/heat source... but i cant find anything.

Is there a furnace? where might it be located? It would be great if it could be figured out soon enough.. snow is on its way in tonight and its beginning to get a bit chilly at night.. haha

Im also having issues with my Norcold fridge- not doing anything at all, not even lights on control panel. But thats for another topic..
  • Lantley wrote:

    Maybe a dumb question but is there a battery installed in the trailer?

    no question is dumb if you dont have the answer.. :)

    No, there isnt a battery... but would that cause issue?
    im plugged into 115V and the converter is running ok.. and i know if i touch the terminals together where the battery should be, it sparks- so theres 12V juice there..
  • double checked... all fuses are good and circuit breakers are operational.. got a tarp over it so i couldnt double check EXACTLY where the exhaust is.. but its either under the fridge or under the shower/tub..

    thanks for the response so far everybody! in due time, ill try to put up some pictures.. Its nothing too special.. but why not.. :)
  • woodsean157 wrote:
    all of the lights are also 12V and everything seems to be working fine... i have the 115V at the fridge outlet as well as what seemed to be 12V at the circuit board on the back... the battery cables up front will spark if touched together- so i think plugging it into the house+the converter takes care of it...

    Maybe a dumb question but is there a battery installed in the trailer?
  • ye ahard to see if fuses are blown test lights are great! when in doubt my daughters boyfriends family used an electric heater in theirs one time when theirs went out. good luck!
  • all of the lights are also 12V and everything seems to be working fine... i have the 115V at the fridge outlet as well as what seemed to be 12V at the circuit board on the back... the battery cables up front will spark if touched together- so i think plugging it into the house+the converter takes care of it...
  • Your travel trailer also needs a 12 volt battery to make the furnace and refrigerator work. Even though they burn propane, they are electrically controled. If your trailer is plugged into a regular outlet (shore power) then make sure the master switch is turned on. If you have an inverter/converter, the circuit breaker may need to be reset. The circuit breaker is normally on the front panel of the inverter/converter.
  • yep- got two vents.. on the inside is where the fridge is... right under the fridge is my power inverter/control panel... i looked and none of the fuses seemed to speceficaly be towards the heater... granted they were all written in by a previous owner.. wouldnt it have some type of access port? possibly behind the converter/control unit?..

    Thank you for your appreciation! i love the men and women i serve with and everything they do. :)
  • The vent for the furnace on the outside of the traier, ususally on the side opposite the awning, will look like this.

  • simple, go to the outside find the exhaust port for the furnace, then go inside that is exactly where it is located. dumb question is do you have enough propane? is it at least blowing air when turned on, if no air movement look at your fuses. good luck, and THANK YOU for your service in OUR USAF and now National Guard !!!