Forum Discussion

sharibartling's avatar
Sep 16, 2013

Help for a friend displaced in the CO flood

I work with a lady who full time RV's with her husband and were evacuated during the flood (right on the Big Thompson River) they barely got their TT out and had no place to go except Boyd Lake. Apparently they are charging a higher fee than she expected. We work in Fort Collins near the Larimer County Sheriff's department and I am seeking any ideas where she and her husband can move to besides Boyd lake.
I feel very bad for her as she has had some health chalenges and now this, they only got out with their TT and truck and a few other possessions
Prayers and ideas anyone?
Thanks so much
  • Does CO have disability passes for their State Parks? If your friend's medical condition is bad enough, she can get one. Here in Washington State, it cuts the camping fee in half.
  • Try Horsetooth or Carter lake. They used to provide long term reduced rate camping in the offseason.
  • Thanks everyone for all the great help.
    I will tell her about the state park pass.
    I should not tell the extent of her health issues but she just came through cancer.
    It's just a sad time but many many people have completly lost everything.
  • Maybe try a mobile home park with a monthly rate? Some Elks Lodges have water and electric hookups for reasonable rates. God Bless all those affected by the flooding.
  • shari bartling;

    Ideas where to go may be a Wal-Mart or truck-stop, for a temporary stay. With regards to Boyd Lake and a state park pass ... find out if they need financial assistance and perhaps set up a fund at a bank where people can donate funds for the state park pass and additional $$ for unexpected expenses.

    Also, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, United Way ..
    Are they disabled or disabled veteran status would also provide additional resources.

    Just some thoughts and please update on here.
  • It would be tough to find any place with all the amenities than Boyd Lake State park has for what they charge. I suppose she doesn't have a State Parks Pass. If she did it would be even cheaper. Any other place that I know of would have no electric,water, dump, or showers and flush toilets.
  • Sure is great to have a house on wheels. Think of the people that lost their homes because they weren't moveable.

    Can't help with any recommendations but our hearts go out to all those facing a crisis.