Another vote for the Kyocera panle. Ours is a 135 watt. At 59 x 26 a bit large, ours sets towards back of camper. The 135s can still be had but the new 140 is same size-just more out put. If you can pick up save shipping. Ive seen shipping any where from $50-$125, same panle from $278 to almost $500 so it pays to shop, $300 avg.
Our nose is steeper I think- but with the slope would almost need to be facing south westerly to maximize. It would get more sun than mounted flat though. Seems we are usually camped nose northerly-just a consideration.
I do have ours mounted on 4 way tilt, being at rear I can easily get to but gets old so rarely use anymore. Does vastly improve charging especially winter. We have 2 group 29 batts-more than keeps up. Single best big ticket item on our camper-second would be switching to leds. In winter 'cept the worst of days if it peaks at an amp -its still charging. Since installing panle we've havent fired gen to recharge. We dont have a furnace but do have TV that'll run 2-3 hours in eve.