That and antennas-Always check our roof when packing but see most any day an antena cutting thru the sky. Cant imagine leaving panle up but its on the list, Im sure it happens. On our camper raised its quite visible. If I raise panel I always take it down in the evening. My biggest concern is wind.
I cant imagine if close enough to have neighbors, anyone being impressed watching someone cimbing up on the roof fiddling with their panels-Probably convinced some they dont want a panle if thats whats invovled..:)
or off loading my scooter or someone unhitching Toad or any thing else we do. Hopefully most would give a yell instead of laughing if you forget to lower your panel(s)? or your Toads tow bar is hanging by safety chains? Taking it down when raining no different than clearing the table-stuffing the chairs under camper, rolling up the windows or any other varied last minuet thing I always seem to be doing out in the rain.
It is nice when I need some extra amps to charge my RC stuff without robbing the camper-or sucking up the last 2 hours of sun on those short cold days. But as noted it is a chore.
Agree for most tilt mounts would be a waste of money-simply cause it wouldnt get used-most wouldnt want to climb up there-and general use not needed. I dont really use ours anymore-but mine were also 'free'. Which as far as mounts, when we installed ours there really wasnt that much available in tilt mounts.
Kinda drifting from OPs question-hopefully havnt wandered to far off & still gleaning info. My opinion is you cant have too much solar. I'd say for most 100 watts would be a minumum & think the 2 100s on TC would be good-cant comment on the brand. The price certainly good.