kim_e83 wrote:
We are empty nesters, but with kids and grandkids nearby, so we want something that will sleep at least 6 for when we have guests. Either bunks or sofa sleeper and dinette work for us.
On the list now are:
Bullet 243BHS or 248RKS
Apex 249RBS or 258RKS (also consider 250RLS, but maybe too heavy?)
Connect Spree 231BHS
Freedom Express 24RKS
Passport 2400BH or 2510RB
Tracerair 248air, 250air, or 252air
Jayco Whitehawk 24RKS (a little heavy at 5210 dry?
That list is all over the map. :E Either you want bunk beds or you don't ... JMO, but make up your minds which it is and eliminate all those that don't qualify. As a former KZ Spree and current Freedom Express owner I wouldn't choose any of those you've listed when there are others in each lineup that are so much more appropriate when we're talking about accommodating kids. Yeah, I know - you can make up the dinette and/or sofa as beds but reality is that gets old very quickly ... when kids are part of the picture there's no better solution than bunk beds.