zulu52 wrote:
Every time there is a voltage change, like turning on a light, the gas alarm sounds, then goes off. Propane has been shut off for 10 months.
I don't have any idea how to even trouble shoot this.
They alarm is going off because the voltage is momentarily dropping below its minimum voltage.
Start by buying a decent digital multimeter (DMM). A decent one will run you about $30-$40. For a few dollars more you can get one with a built-in "amp clamp", like a
UNI-T UT210E. You won't need that feature now, but some day you will.
Start by unpluging the AC power. Also disconnect the power from the truck. If the battery voltage in the camper is below 12.8V, it is time for a new battery !
With a fully charged battery (above 12.8V), plug in the shore power. Your converter should be supplying above 13.2V to the battery. If not, check to be sure all connections are clean and tight. If you are still low, it is time for a new converter.