Forum Discussion

Guy_Roan's avatar
Dec 17, 2020

Hey GrandpaKip

Answer to your question is Yes

That is why I don't pay any attention to all the other "blather"

And I already got rid of the black water tank and now have a residential toilet and residential refrigerator

  • Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

    I actually live in the heart of snowbird country.
    When I was looking for my first TT around 30 years ago, I looked at many such snowbird units.
    Most all of them had been modded in one way or another similar to what you are doing. All of them showed the effects of constant use, coupled with the inferior matrials they were made of.... Made them a poor choice. That sentence is being quite chairitable. Most of them were slums. What shocked me was how proud they were of their units, thinking that their mods added value.... Which they expected me to pay. I ended up finding an older TT that was unmodded and in great shape.

    So no, I won't bother telling them.... They do not see things as they are, and never will.

    You found an older trailer but yet it wasn't made of "inferior"
    materials !
    Not sure where you are coming from, but you are quite lucky.

    Also if they are "slums", then "slums" are doing quite well for themselves-renting for 4K a month where we are

    Inferior... Yes the same as all the others. Materials meant for occasional use.
    But, that unit had been stored unused for 17 years... Indoors!. It looked like new, inside and out. I paid 2300, used it for 4 years, and sold it for 3300.

    As for 4K a month... A vacant lot close to the beach can command more than that. Location, location,location.

    My original post was to answer a question that GrandpaKip asked me on another string and I am not sure why you felt you should chime in, but since you did , I apologize for rattling your cage and will now bow out.


    So you posted a message to a specific member on a public thread, and did not expect any other comments from others? If so, that is what a private message is better suited for.
    Actually, I think you like the attention and comments from others,,,,as long as their opinion agrees with yours. If one disagrees... Then they become "blather" That is the only way your actions make sense.
  • Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

    I actually live in the heart of snowbird country.
    When I was looking for my first TT around 30 years ago, I looked at many such snowbird units.
    Most all of them had been modded in one way or another similar to what you are doing. All of them showed the effects of constant use, coupled with the inferior matrials they were made of.... Made them a poor choice. That sentence is being quite chairitable. Most of them were slums. What shocked me was how proud they were of their units, thinking that their mods added value.... Which they expected me to pay. I ended up finding an older TT that was unmodded and in great shape.

    So no, I won't bother telling them.... They do not see things as they are, and never will.

    You found an older trailer but yet it wasn't made of "inferior"
    materials !
    Not sure where you are coming from, but you are quite lucky.

    Also if they are "slums", then "slums" are doing quite well for themselves-renting for 4K a month where we are

    Inferior... Yes the same as all the others. Materials meant for occasional use.
    But, that unit had been stored unused for 17 years... Indoors!. It looked like new, inside and out. I paid 2300, used it for 4 years, and sold it for 3300.

    As for 4K a month... A vacant lot close to the beach can command more than that. Location, location,location.

    My original post was to answer a question that GrandpaKip asked me on another string and I am not sure why you felt you should chime in, but since you did , I apologize for rattling your cage and will now bow out.


  • Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

    I actually live in the heart of snowbird country.
    When I was looking for my first TT around 30 years ago, I looked at many such snowbird units.
    Most all of them had been modded in one way or another similar to what you are doing. All of them showed the effects of constant use, coupled with the inferior matrials they were made of.... Made them a poor choice. That sentence is being quite chairitable. Most of them were slums. What shocked me was how proud they were of their units, thinking that their mods added value.... Which they expected me to pay. I ended up finding an older TT that was unmodded and in great shape.

    So no, I won't bother telling them.... They do not see things as they are, and never will.

    You found an older trailer but yet it wasn't made of "inferior"
    materials !
    Not sure where you are coming from, but you are quite lucky.

    Also if they are "slums", then "slums" are doing quite well for themselves-renting for 4K a month where we are

    Inferior... Yes the same as all the others. Materials meant for occasional use.
    But, that unit had been stored unused for 17 years... Indoors!. It looked like new, inside and out. I paid 2300, used it for 4 years, and sold it for 3300.

    As for 4K a month... A vacant lot close to the beach can command more than that. Location, location,location.
  • Huntindog wrote:
    Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

    I actually live in the heart of snowbird country.
    When I was looking for my first TT around 30 years ago, I looked at many such snowbird units.
    Most all of them had been modded in one way or another similar to what you are doing. All of them showed the effects of constant use, coupled with the inferior matrials they were made of.... Made them a poor choice. That sentence is being quite chairitable. Most of them were slums. What shocked me was how proud they were of their units, thinking that their mods added value.... Which they expected me to pay. I ended up finding an older TT that was unmodded and in great shape.

    So no, I won't bother telling them.... They do not see things as they are, and never will.

    You found an older trailer but yet it wasn't made of "inferior"
    materials !
    Not sure where you are coming from, but you are quite lucky.

    Also if they are "slums", then "slums" are doing quite well for themselves-renting for 4K a month where we are

  • Guy Roan wrote:
    Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

    I actually live in the heart of snowbird country.
    When I was looking for my first TT around 30 years ago, I looked at many such snowbird units.
    Most all of them had been modded in one way or another similar to what you are doing. All of them showed the effects of constant use, coupled with the inferior matrials they were made of.... Made them a poor choice. That sentence is being quite chairitable. Most of them were slums. What shocked me was how proud they were of their units, thinking that their mods added value.... Which they expected me to pay. I ended up finding an older TT that was unmodded and in great shape.

    So no, I won't bother telling them.... They do not see things as they are, and never will.
  • Guy Roan wrote:
    Answer to your question is Yes

    That is why I don't pay any attention to all the other "blather"

    And I already got rid of the black water tank and now have a residential toilet and residential refrigerator


    I’m just assuming, (yeah, I know), that the winter and COVID blues are setting in.
    I’m sure that your trailer can be all electric with a bit of work and ingenuity.
    Good luck and enjoy.
  • Huntindog wrote:
    From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.

    "There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use."

    You might want to tell that to the thousands and thousands of snow birds that have snow birded in their permanent "towable RVs". Some for as many as thirty and forty years.

  • From reading the OPs previous posts, he has already commited to making his trailer stationary.
    That being the case, I have a different take on the situation.... There are VERY few towable RVs that will hold up to full time use.

    Even the (few) better ones are not as durable as a real house.
  • Thank You Guy!

    For the record, assuming your trailer is newer than 1990s, you CAN operate the converter without a battery attached, just tape up the connections that were connected to the battery. The switching converters do not need a battery.

    But it IS your trailer and if you want to replace the 12V stuff, it is your choice, you don't need others in this forum to push you into not making the changes you want to do.

    Good luck!