Higher octane fuels have slightly less energy (Btu), BUT, have a slower burn rate which allows for higher compression through mechanical means, aka compression ratio, or artificial means, aka spark advance, and will generate more power from slightly less energy.
You can keep on saying it, but it's still not correct.
SUNOCO wrote:
You might be surprised to learn that some of the highest octane fuels may also be some of the fastest burning fuels!
You might have heard of Sunoco? They make a few gallons of gasoline / day. :W I would think they know what they talk about and they say the same thing I'm saying: Octane and burn rate are mutually exclusive. One has nothing to do with the other.
LinkRead post #12 for more facts.BTU's have nothing to do with power. Zero.
Gasoline and nitromethane is a perfect example.
BTU's of one gallon of gasoline= around 113,000.
BTU's of nitromethane= around 47,000.
Octane rating of nitromethane is VERY, very low; (off the scale in fact) but yet it puts out the most power. Pretty much contradicts what you have said that high octane fuels have less BTU's but can put out more power.
As you can see, nitro has about half the BTU's of gasoline but what do you want to use in an engine to make the most power? There is a reason that those dragsters on TV use nitromethane for fuel instead of gasoline. In fact nitro puts out over twice the power of gasoline engine for engine.
Now lets use an example more RV'ers can relate to: E85 and gasoline. After all, there is a lot of RV'ers on the road that have flex fuel engines and in the mid west they have a choice of which fuel to use.
E85 has around 82,000 BTU's / gallon. We learned from the above example that gasoline has around 113,000 / gallon.
Now, what puts out more power? Lets see what Ford has to say about this. They make some pretty cool engines. (gasoline anyway :W)
Gasoline vs E85 power test.As anybody can see from the links I have posted that: Burn rate; Octane; and Power output are all mutually exclusive of each other just as I have been saying all along.