RoyB wrote:
Stop by your local Rescue Squad stations and take a gander of their Emergency Vehicles DC systems. They got all kinds of high performance DC setups going keeping all of their emergency systems working...
When is the last time you saw one them sitting on the side of the with run down batteries haha...
Roy Ken
Not sure what you mean. Emergency vehicles will quickly have dead batteries if people aren't careful. At the local fire / rescue station you will find all the vehicles plugged into shore power. Emergency vehicles (fire trucks, ambulances) rarely shut off their engines without plugging the vehicle into "shore power". All the ambulances in my town have permanent jumper cables sticking out of their grills - since they sometimes want to shut down the engine at an extended medical to quiet things down (idling diesel noise can get annoying).
Fire engines routinely have 3 or more big batteries, but even those can drain quickly if the driver isn't careful. Fire engines almost always have a battery master shutoff switch - but there are so many systems that get added over time, sometimes there are still vampire electric drains even with the master off.