Forum Discussion

JiminDenver's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 24, 2013

High wind speeds and towing?

How high of wind speeds will you tow a trailer in? I ask because we sat packed up yesterday but with winds that were rocking the trailer I held off until they calmed around 4 pm. I have towed in wind before and even been hit by a gust that moved the whole rig sideways some but these were constant 30-50 mph gust and by the time we got home the front moved east and they closed the interstate out there.
  • I encountered strong winds in West Texas between Van Horn and Midland a few years back towing a fifth wheel. Don't know how hard they were blowing, but they were strong enough to make the trailer drift as a crosswind and strong enough to be a fuel mileage killer as a headwind.

    With the travel trailer I now have, if encountering the same wind, I think I'd sit things out until it calmed somewhat...........
  • I agree with Old-Biscuit. Above 40 and you're starting to get on dangerous ground.
  • Anything above 40 mph......I find a shelter spot and wait it out

    High Wind Advisories usually get announced if winds are above 40mph
  • Pretty tought to know what the wind speed is. A good anti-sway system will help a lot! We were at a gas station where the wind was blowing hard, so I asked some truckers coming in from the direction we wanted to go what they thought. I'd go with their recomendation, and in this case, we decided to go slower than normal and had no problems. It was a strong side wind. FWIW