Done, works pretty well, cover wont be joining the other odd stuff along the side of the road. Easy access

30" Stainless piano hinge
bag of stainless #6-20 x1/2" self tapping screws (still drilled 7/64" pilot holes)
2 non keyed baggage locks
pack of baggage door catches

Hinge was straight forward, cutting to length, enlarging countersink holes for larger #6 screws (threading into plastic).
Did caulk hinge to plastic but more for surface adhesion.

The thumb latches a bit fiddly, open twist pin hole to ΓΈ5/8" (width of flats) then file top & bottom to diameter of threaded body.

Trimmed original twist pin flange, lower lip will act as catch for thumb lock latch arm.

Used included offset arm but cut/shortened.