Forum Discussion

AnEv942's avatar
Sep 27, 2019

Hinged refrigerator vent grill?

Dometic fridge lower vent. Just curious if any one has converted Dometic lower vent cover to hinged. Other than inconvenient twist pin fasteners, setting on the ground to do anything, ours either the frame has expanded or the cover shrank. Top that clips in just barley catches so resorted to drilling and using a screw to ensure it doesn't fall out on the road.

Easiest would be surface mount a piano hinge top, painted shouldn't look to hokey. Thinking maybe someone came up with better idea. Possible trim cover flange so back is flat for cabinet type hinge?
Probably change the twist pins for non keyed baggage closures.
  • You can still buy the metal louvered hinged vents, same size.
    25 years ago that was the norm.
  • Doesn't sound like a bad idea. I think if I was to do it I would put the hinge at the bottom so I could just lay it down when opening. This means you wouldn't have to reach high above the vent for the latch to keep it open. Converting to not keyed cargo latches could then probably use the slots the tabs went into or put them on the side so it's easier to reach.