lakeside013104 wrote:
TxGearhead wrote:
I didn't mean to show an attitude. I should have added a happy face thingy, or something.
I apologize for not expressing myself well.
The closest thing I have seen was the HE18 at Brophy. But it's a 2" and I don't want to use the 2" X 2 1/2" adapter.
No problem, Gearhead. I meant no harm to you, either. All is well in camping community.
What is your reason for not wanting to use the adapter you mentioned? Just curious.
10-4 Good here.
My truck has the 2 1/2" receiver. I have the 2" adapter and use it 99% of the time. I usually tow a 21ft fiberglass center console bay boat that might weigh 4,000# total. I have a 18ft aluminum GoDevil john boat that might weigh 1,500#. I don't think I will ever pull the bay boat behind the camper. I just don't like the loose fit and rattling when I have the adapter in the receiver. Since it has a 2 1/2" receiver I would like to utilize it. I want to put together a couple different height 2 1/2" "stingers" for my different trailers and do away with the adapter completely. The times I would pull behind the camper will be very few so I may just have to use the adapter with an extension.