f150camper wrote:
bikendan wrote:
a Honda or Yamaha 2000w is much more capable handling the a/c surge, than the Champion 2000w.
i've never heard of any Champion 2000w running any 13.5 a/c but i can attest that my Honda 2000w runs my Dometic 13.5 a/c and even ran it in Yellowstone.
Dan - any data to back that up?
I will report back if I get one of those costco generators.
First thing I did after purchasing my Champion 2000s in 2013 was to hook one (1) up to my Rockwood. Started the generator, turned it off of "econo" and kicked on the 13.5 ac. Temps outside were low 80's and humid. Generator surged and then leveled out. AC ran for 20 minutes or so with no problems. I kicked it off manually, let the compressor cool off for another 5 minutes give or take and turned it back on. AC restarted without issue. That was the only time I have used only one of the Champions to power the ac, and it confirmed to me that they were more than capable of handling what I needed them for. Since then I have used them together as intended. If they had not been up to the task I would have returned them.