The OP might be getting a 9500 number off the ceiling unit , pull the top shroud and look for model number of the unit. If its a year correct model for the Outfitter it should be somthing like 9201d that pulls a total amps of 8.9 in high , if its been replaced and the model is 49201a ,the next gen model ,it is 11.5 amp in high, the diffrence is the refrigerant that they started using in about 2010 .
Look at literature and tech docs
So you all are aware the polar cub has been replaced by a mach8 cub model 47201-a876 that now has 2 motors and draws 11.7 amps in high and the running watts at desert conditions are 1550. This it at the edge of running on a eu2000 , as is the previous 49201 model