Forum Discussion

MaxTrek's avatar
Jul 10, 2020

HOST Mystery 12vdc power port!!!???

Any Host TC owners out there who can give me a sanity check??
I have a 2019 Host Mammoth and on mine, in the Generator Bay there is a 12v DC Power port plugin above the Generator next to the Cable connector (under cap).
I was happy about the feature because I have an inflator and macerator which both have a 12vdc power port plug in and the outside location is very convenient.

This port had no power when first tried. I contacted my dealer, who also contacted HOST and neither had ever seen nor heard of a 12vdc power port on the HOST campers. Even though I purchased from the dealer weeks ago, they were stymied. I sent a photo (attached) and they were still stymied. After a week of correspondence with HOST, they are all still stymied and the official response from HOST is that is not a feature of their product.
Wow, maybe I don’t have a new host Mammoth!
Can all you HOST owners out there check to see if you have a power port in the Generator Bay? I found that it is connected to the Fuse Box location marked Dinnette / Bay; which was not functioning as received. Since replacing the fuse, I now have a working Dinette light and also a working Power Port.
  • Posting pictures isn’t difficult. Try-
  • Didn’t see a picture but not having attempted to post a pic, it seems like many have difficulties doing so.

    I have a 2017 Mammoth and there really is not a lot of available “real estate” to put a 12v receptacle near the cable receptacle and jack control panels.