BobsYourUncle wrote:
CavemanCharlie wrote:
BobsYourUncle wrote:
I was FT in my TT for 2 Alberta winters. .....snip :B
You make it sound easy but, didn't you underwear freeze to the wall of your camper ??? Maybe the kid might not enjoy that at his age. :B
:B some of you guys have good memories - Haha!
Yes, I had my undies freeze to the wall inside the compartment I stored my laundry in. Kinda funny actually.
I guess all I'm saying is it's about attitude. I was determined to make it work, so I did. My situation at that time was something I posted very little about. It was a story in itself.
I chose to focus on all the reasons why I could FT in minus 30s weather rather than dwelling on why I couldn't. And besides that, I have always loved a challenge, something I can do when people tell me it won't work. That's just part of who I am...
I remember the story because you told it in a humors way. I'll never forget that story.
I agree with you about attitude. I was camping once at a local park this year and the park was almost empty because the forecast had said rain and everyone canceled out. About the time the sun went down the skies cleared and those of us that were still camping jumped out of our campers made bonfires and had a good time. As I sat cooking over my fire I felt sorry for all the people that had canceled just because of the forecast. They missed a beautiful night.