Some random thoughts on the time it takes to find and purchase a TC:
Most of us, whether lucky to find one or not, do not really know a lot about the nuts and bolts of a truck camper, no matter how much research and discovery we try. I glean from the posts above that some have tried cheap, entry level campers to 'test the waters' and find out what works and what doesn't....for us. How do you get all this input about making an informed decision based on all the components and how they work together? The best way, of course, is to come to this very site and ask those that have used these various TC's for a period of time. What is their take? If you are reading this, you already know this. Another great way to make a good decision is to spend some time in a used version of the very same model you have in mind to buy. In essence, you must 'worry thru' the process, trying to absorb the feel of all the features, good and bad. We bought a new mattress recently and spent in total a couple hours laying on prospects for up to 15 minutes @atime to see what is what. We made a self-informed choice.
However, there is another aspect to all this. If you spend too much time making a decision, your actual personal circumstances may have changed. What if you have another child in the meantime? What if you are now an empty nester? What if you are older and you start getting weak in the knees? What if you decide you really want an XTC and do a little boon docking to get away from the madding crowds? All this has to do with adjusting your outlook to reflect your current needs...which may change over years of looking.