elkhornsun wrote:
The odds are greater of being struck by lightening than of having someone break into an RV in the middle of the night. Thieves (except for the bankers) are opportunists and most crime is in the poor parts of cities where the thieves live along with their victims.
A handgun is a great way to get yourself shot. In two-thirds of gun incidents where there is an intruder the intruder uses the homeowner's handgun to kill them - at least according to the FBI statistics.
I would not consider any public parking lot at a place like a Wal-Mart safe for overnight stays. If we cannot stay at a state rest stop or a truck stop or a campground and we are near a city we stay at an inexpensive motel.
99% of the time we find places to stay but I do route planning and locate in advance private RV parks, county RV parks, BLM and USFS campgrounds, etc. so every 200-300 miles we have a place to stay and if we make a detour I know in advance where we can stay for the night. It may not be the most scenic spot in the area but there is almost always a place to stay and when there is not we either do the motel option or driv a few more miles.
For example we often pass through the Barstow area but stay in Tehachapi, either stopping short or driving the extra miles when coming from the east. There are two RV parks in Tehachapi, one run by Tea Party rednecks and another by the glider airport. The people that run the one by the glider airport are very nice and keep the facilities very clean and that is where we always stay when traveling along this route.
I need to respond to your statistics. That simply isn't true. What is true is that the mere presence of a gun stops the intruder before the firearm is used. Those numbers usually aren't reported and they occur many times more than the actual discharge of a firearm. If you honestly think that the police are going to be there for you in your time of need, you are going to be sadly disappointed. Your odds are very slim, less than 5% and probably less than 1% that the police will be there to protect you. Most police work is reactionary. I'm sure my dad wished that the police were there when he was kidnapped. Fortunately he survived the situation by getting his rope burned hands free and running for his life. The police showed up after my dad got free. Good thing the police weren't good shots or they would have killed him. By the way, the perps murdered a person during there crime spree.
Also, the more rural you are, the worse those odds get. Everyone can make an educated descision and choose the right course of action for themselves.