Just wanted to update this thread.
This weekend was out boondocking and running the fridge off propane.
Temps were in the mid 90s and very high humidity. Heat index was 110. We did run the generator to get the inside dried out. Couldn't get it under 82 in the camper though.
The fridge though, it stayed at 28ish degrees consistently. It was hotter than Memorial day and the fans seemed to have helped tremendously. Memorial day I had a hard time keeping it under 40. Also no kids this trip which helped I am sure, but not as much as the fans. Another benefit of the fans is that it recovers much quicker as well. I highly suggest this to anyone that camps when it's above 70 degrees out!
2016-07-26_07-32-28 by
RoyBelluomini, on Flickr
Also added a speed control and on/off switch for when the temps drop and I don't need the fans running full blast or even at all.
2016-07-26_07-35-04 by
RoyBelluomini, on Flickr