Forum Discussion

RoyBell's avatar
Jun 29, 2016

How to keep fridge cooler?

I noticed over memorial day the fridge was slow to cool down after constant usage (and kids) when the temps were in the 90s. On my pop-up I was able to put 2 computer fans on the coils and it helped a lot moving the air across them. On my trailer, I don't even see the coils.

There looks to be a vent on the roof as well, is that for the fridge? There's not much on the side vent/door other than the power plug.

Is it possible to put a fan and draw air through the vents? Has anyone done this? It seems I would need to put it facing up to suck in through the side and blow out through the top. Correct?

I don't see a couple computer fans cutting it anymore. Which stinks because when dry docking I only have 12 volts.

Any suggestions?
  • This is what I was looking to do. Looks like this guy has it figured out. I will take a look at the top of my camper to see if this is possible.

  • I also think they had the freezer door ajar as well that weekend. They put the tub of icecream on it's side in the freezer. I opened the freezer for ice and the icecream had all melted out of the container to the bottom of the freezer.

    One thing I will never understand is why EVERYTHING has to be put into the fridge/freezer on it's side so it leaks all over. How hard is it to place upright...or if there's not enough room, make room!

    One of the kids had the cap not screwed on their starbucks drink correctly. IT looked ok. When I get home, the thing leaked all over the fridge. Sure enough, cross threaded and not tight.
  • X2 on the holding the fridge doors open forever, Drives me crazy!!
  • Never thought about a frozen block. I may need to try that. I already have one of those blue fans in the fridge which helps...but the 4 women on the camper like to open the fridge and look around for 10 minutes. Then it takes FOREVER to cool back down after all the cold air is sitting on the floor of the camper. Yes, I know that is part of the problem!
  • When it is really hot out, we have found it very helpful to put a block of ice or frozen bottle of water in the fridge. When using the frozen bottle it is easy to have one in the freezer and one in the fridge, then swap them out as needed.
  • Hint: put drinks in cooler, especially for kids. Keeps the number of times the refrigerator door opens down.