DutchmenSport wrote:
Caulking would work. But I'd probably use Liquid Nails. You need something that dries like a hard rubber. It will still have flexibility when dry, but not so stiff it will crack and break at the first sign of a flex.
The only problem with Liquid Nails, you've got to get it completely right while it's still wet (smoothed out and even), because once it's dry, it doesn't sand very nice at all.
Depending on how big the holes are (if small like nail holes from hanging a picture), then even a silicon calk would work ok. If the holes are bigger (like a quarter or half dollar size or bigger, then you need to figure a way to put a backing on it first, then fill the hole from the front, smooth, and paint.
Sorry for the confusion. When I say "hole" I mean a seam. What I did was cut a square into a panel to reinforce water damage and fix leaks. I am now cutting a square piece to patch it but am not sure what to use to fill the seam around it.