Forum Discussion

Bite_N_Hold's avatar
Jul 25, 2017

How to replace wood floor in slide out?

So I think the floor needs to be replaced in our slide out. Can it be done without removing the slide? If so, how? I am very handy at DIY stuff and I looked at several videos on line and it said to remove the slide which I rather not do as I don't have a barn or anywhere big enough to do that. Are there any tutorials or videos that show the process? I have done several searches and they don't return great results.
  • stickdog wrote:
    All slide out floors rest on the floor.

    Be care about generalizations, my Liftco slide out doesn't have rollers or rests on the floor. It's supported by external arms and a wall frame. The only thing for the the slide floor that is attached to the trailer floor is a screw block on each side that the worm screw goes thru that the other end is attached to the slide floor. No cables or hydraulics just big worm screws.

  • Bite N Hold wrote:
    Stickdog- what brand camper do you have and what slide system is it? Mine is a cable ssystem and I think the slide just rests on the floor to slide in and out.

    Hydrolic piston. Rv in my signature. I'm fearless now I figure if a man invented it a man can repair it. Of course putting the engery back into an atom might present problems.

    There must be some rails for it to move on to stay straight. All slide out floors rest on the floor. My kitchen slide had 4 rollers and a 1x2 wraped in carpet to hold up the front when brought in, dinnet slide had 3 rollers and floots in the air when in, BR slide has no rollers just slides, not much weight or width. All have rails on each end which keep it square to the trailer. The slides are all bolted the hydrolic arms but the slides ride on the rails.
  • Stickdog- what brand camper do you have and what slide system is it? Mine is a cable ssystem and I think the slide just rests on the floor to slide in and out.
  • Yes it can be done I've replaced three. Bedroom slide was the easiest. Removing all the kitchen cabinets sink stove fridge and entertainment center was a little more work. I did the dinnet loveseat first, it needed it most. Took my time, lets say I was learning along the way. One thing I was concerned about was realigning the slide to the slide mechanism so I cut spacers out of 1inch aluminum pipe and left one bolt on each side to keep the alinement and just noched around them when installed the new panel. After the floor was in and secured I filled the void with silicone. Another tip take measurements of the interior dimensions before removing the existing floor.

    I replaced the OSB with marine plywood, laminated pieces since I couldn't get any longer than 8 ft and used epoxy truck bed liner to seal the bottom of the new flooring.

    Good luck.
  • Bob- I saw those videos and they aren't any help as I don't have the means to remove the slide out.
    It is a 2012 Open Range 325. Apparently that year they had faulty slide seals and since changed the design.

    edit....Different videos than I thought they were. Can this be done on my unit which has cable controlled slides?
  • There was a video on YouTube that showed how to support the slide and remove the floor.
  • I'm no help in terms of the slide, but I'm sure others will want to know the year and model of your trailer.