Forum Discussion

egarant's avatar
Explorer III
Feb 13, 2017

How to turn off PD 4055 charger...

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to turn off the charger portion of my Progressive Dynamics PD4045 converter/charger.

I don't see any obvious breaker to throw and the manual isn't giving up the secret either.

Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated!
  • egarant, btw, why are you wanting to turn off the charger?
  • egarant wrote:
    I just got off the phone with Progressive Dynamics technical support.

    He had me follow the power leads from the charger and they were indeed piggy-backed onto the kitchen and bedroom breaker (2 outlets).

    I do have room for another two breakers, he said to put the charger on one by itself and I would then be able to throw that one breaker and kill the charger.

    AND the 'converter'
  • I just got off the phone with Progressive Dynamics technical support.

    He had me follow the power leads from the charger and they were indeed piggy-backed onto the kitchen and bedroom breaker (2 outlets).

    I do have room for another two breakers, he said to put the charger on one by itself and I would then be able to throw that one breaker and kill the charger.
  • Some converters have a regular power cord with plug into an outlet
    Some are hard wired and fed from an AC Circuit Breaker ---typically piggy-backed vs their own separate CB

    You will NOT be able to shut down JUST charger if you unplug/turn CB off the converter will not be ON either
  • Mine was also combined with another breaker, it was a double wide one so I bought the split one that takes up the same space, haven't got around to changing it yet.

    Mine was wired up with the receptacles, if you take the front cover you can see the wires coming from the 12v side to see how it was wired.
  • the PD should have just a 15a 3 prong end on the cable that plugs into an outlet.
    and that outlet may be wired to something else. I think mine is on its own breaker.
  • Mine was piggy-backed onto another breaker. I installed a 20A light switch to be able to shut it off.