djg wrote:
Kayteg1 wrote:
Didn't we already figure out the future is electric?
I am not environmental freak, but on practical site the truck is already forbidden from driving in California.
About 8 states already follow CA smog laws and the number keeps growing.
When they will follow with same restrictions?
Right now I own 3 vehicles with DPF and DEF. It is additional maintenance issues (with potential for high expenses) but similar my android cost way more than old dial-phone.
Would I drop convenience of android for scanning the cars, operating light systems in my house and checking gate camera only to gain more reliability?
Heck no.
Are there states that will not allow me to drive my truck into because it is a pre emission truck what gives there it adheres to all the emissions the were out the year the truck was new are they telling you that you have to buy a new truck?????
I think all RV are exempt from those laws, but lot of TC owners have commercial registration on their truck and that is where things get tricky.