I would talk to GM. Several keys here, your dealer is likely to get further than you will. I lost the headgaskets in my 5500. It was out of warranty and honestly it was a dumb #ss employee who overheated it. I could not get anywhere with GM, but my dealer was able to. They didn't cover all of it, but it helped.
I would not be surprised if they take care of it. It has been a while since I educated myself of the CP4 issue, but there have been several revisions pump since the first ones came out. That is why they don't look similar. Bosch has been taking a beating over this issue. I have no way to verify this but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if GM covers the repairs on this truck. I think Bosch ends up with the bill on these early CP4 failures on a closed door deal with GM.
The timing sucks if you want to trade out. The 17's should start building in July of 16. Bigger everything. I had a similar incident. I was waiting for '17, I ended up with a '15 and I am good with it now (at least until the over the top Dmax hits).