Bionic Man wrote:
minnow wrote:
If someone is planning to keep their truck beyond the manufacturer's warranty and be without an extended warranty is just plain crazy. Myself, I'd be trading it in a 99,000 miles. No way could I afford a $10,000 + repair.
Does anyone know what the real failure rate is on these things?I I just have a hard time believing that this is an inevitible ticking time bomb, that WILL go.
With the cost of a new truck, payment is almost certainly $500/month. Two years of no payments would pay for the possibility of a failure.
I love the idea of the improved MPG of the new trucks, as well as the new gadgets they have, but my plan is to keep my truck for another 10 years.
Only the manufacturers know the true fail rates and you can bet they are not willing to share. There have been poles on the DMAX forum to try to figure failire rates but it's flawed IMO as it only represents a small fraction of owners. I just know that I've read enough reports of failure to make me nervous beyond warranty. It's not so much the failure rate but the price tag that comes with it. If it was just a pump replacement people probably wouldn't even be talking about it. But the way they fail makes it a big deal.
People want to throw Bosch under the bus for this but they clearly documented the allowable fuel SCAR rating the CP4 could handle which US diesel fuel does not meet yet GM/Ford used it anyways...
There are things people can do to help preserve their CP4. For one add a lift pump and run an additive/or Biodiesel for lubrication. And of course watch out where you fill.