At one time, they had a 7000 btu series in the Polar Cubs. When I purchased my Polar Cub from Camping World (about 8/18/04), they only had the 7000 on the shelf. I wanted the 9200, so they ordered it (same cost) for me. I do not know if the 7000 btu unit is still available.
9001 is 9200 BTU MAX AMPS = 8.2 I have DATA INQUIRY SHEET
9201A is 8300 BTU MAX AMPS = 8.2 I have DATA INQUIRY SHEET
9201B is 9200 BTU MAX AMPS = 9.0 I have DATA INQUIRY SHEET
9201B I have no information.
9201D is 9200 BTU MAX AMPS = 8.9 I have DATA INQUIRY SHEET
I have a service manual that covers 6700, 7000, 8000 & 9000 SERIES Polar Cubs.
I was just reading the performance manual. As I understand it, if the A/C cycles on and off to quickly, it will not remove the moisture from the air efficiently. If the A/C, is too large for the space to be cooled, it will cycle on and of quickly. The 1300 btu A/C is too large for the TC, in my opinion. Will it work, absolutely, just not as efficient and typically requires a larger generator than a 9000 btu unit.