FrankShore wrote:
I'm beginning to regret buying this large Winnie Minnie - I should have done more homework on buying this large a trailer and am seriously considering selling it for something smaller and lighter.
1. I also think your trailer is not that big; it's actually a good size for the sort of state and national park/forest campgrounds we like.
2. Your truck is serious overkill for a trailer as light as yours. I'm an old Air Force guy, so I LIKE serious overkill, of course. If you get a smaller lighter trailer, it will most likely make little (if any) difference to your mileage and towing experience. You will taking a soaking selling your now-used Minnie Winnie and buying a new trailer. There is no way any fuel savings would offset that.
My advice is to take your trailer to an RV park with smaller campsites (like a KOA) and park it amongst the other trailers and 5th wheelers. You'll be amazed at how much your trailer just shrunk!:B