Grit dog wrote:
You must live in a nice place and only visit nice places, or very lucky... by your logic, locking anything up is probably silly to you...
To be fair, alot of my missing trailer hitch stingers are attributed to someone else on the jobsite "borrowing" it (and the primary reason I started locking them so I wouldn't have to do the trailer hitch easter egg hunt), but I've lost a couple to plain old theft....a long time ago, before I started locking my hitch onto the truck!
Well, might be part of my unhook routine is pull up enough to work, remove ball mount from TV, put ball back in coupler, and lock that. Pin goes inside tool bag behind seat. This does 2 things, makes sure the right mount/ball is with trailer next time, and makes sure the coupler is open next time I hook up.
Jobsites? Most trailers I pulled into a jobsite would take some real work with wrenches and cutting equipment to get the pintle off. (When the trailer weighs sometimes over 45,000 you want to make sure the hitch stays in place)
As for locks, I don't carried a pretty big key ring for much of my life. But I have got to the point in my life that I don't need most of what I have, and have sold most of what would be of value to others.
But back when I lived in the valley locks, often where a sign of value where might not be noticed without.