Forum Discussion

Bert_the_Welder's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 07, 2020

Insurance Coverage facts wanted:

Just to be clear outta the gate, I by no means want this to turn into a flame fest over truck type, add-ons, SRW vs DRW. There are enough of those on here over the years and zero good or agreement comes from them. This is a query for facts only from anyone that's asked.
The question I have is:
Has anyone, that carries a TC, asked there insurer if they carry a load in excess of what is stated on there vehicles official sticker and are involve in an accident, either being found 100% at fault for causing said accident, being 100% not at fault, or found to be anywhere between those two points. Could they be denied coverage, either completely or partially for repairs or replacement of their truck and/or TC OR in the case of fault, denied coverage pertaining to law suits, etc. against them from injured parties/victims, etc.

I have an opinion on what the answer is, so please, with respect, I don't need another.

I'd be happy to hear from current/former insurance agents that have first hand knowledge as well as lawyers on here who are/have their area of practice in this particular area of law.

Also welcome would be anyone with FIRST HAND accident involvement. What degree of fault were you or not, found? (Zero judgement, none of us where in your seat). What was the out come coverage wise? Did your over the spec load come up at all? Did no one mention it? Did your insurer vacuum up every particle, weight it and tell you to GFYs? As much detail as you feel comfortable sharing, please.

With all the above, the fact of State/Province/Country etc. must be accounted for, of course. So maybe mention that in reply's, if you would.

I realize there are strong opinions on truck capabilities and the miracle or delusion of mod's. But there's been enough foot stomping, incomplete thinking and poor physics lessons to last a life time on here.

If you choose to chime in with that stuff here, fine. Free world. But I'd like this to just be about the specifics I've mentioned. I'm simply interested as in the previous exchanges on capacity carrying, actual liability doesn't seem to get much more then a passing peep. And to me, this is a pretty big factor in the choice of what to haul with what.

Thanks in advance.

  • specta wrote:
    Call your insurance agent and ask them.


    With all due respect, I'd bet the odds are very slim that anyone on this forum is YOUR insurance agent! :W

    Happy travels!
  • There is no black & white, absolute answer to your question. Every country/state/province applies their laws differently. A good or bad lawyer can dramatically change the outcome of any legal proceeding. Emotionally charged juries have been known to make verdicts that go against the rule of law.

    With that being said, I'd suggest reading the "exclusions" in your auto policy. Unless there's an exclusion for the general scenario you're concerned about, then odds are very high they'll provide coverage.

    Some food for thought. If insurance companies refused to pay claims simply because someone was "negligent" (drunk, speeding, overloaded, etc.) what would be the purpose of having insurance in the first place? Common sense says the purpose of insurance is to financially protect us when we're negligent. Odds are very high that they'll do just that. However, there are no absolutes.
  • I was broad sided a couple of years ago loaded up heading north on a week long trip. Mid morning, light traffic, 3 lane highway. Came out of no where and bounced off my drivers side. Several witnesses stopped to provide witness to State Trooper. The camper jacks actually prevented any damage to the truck, but they were damaged.

    My Allstate insurance handled everything. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. NONE.

    I was driving 3/4 ton diesel at the time. Let’s just say I ran heavy and knew it.

    Hope this helps.
  • You will not find what you are seeking here. If someone were found at fault and left holding the bag by their insurance company, they have absolutely no reason to be here, so they aren't here. On the off chance that they were not completely turned off of camping by the experience and on the off chance they participate here, they will be legally bound by an NDA and cannot reveal any details of the settlement.

    I know if I were left hanging by the insurance company, that would be the end of my camping career.
  • I work for one of these organizations. I have never heard of POE or police weighing private vehicles involved in traffic accidents. This does not mean it won't happen though.

    If you are driving a commercial vehicle then you will be held to a higher standard and can expect to be heavily scrutinized, at least in Idaho.
  • Im not any of the professionals you mentioned. But i will say short of killing someone no one will weigh your trailor to see if it was at or overweight. If you do have a fatality, they might weigh it. It depends on where you are. Once thats done its up to the courts mostly. So there is that. I wouldent worry about insurance at that point. But as for the reguler accidents your probubly fine.