I haven't turned on anything so far but the stereo and tv...the refrigerator.. and a few lights...So im unsure about the pump, air ect. Ive ruled out the awning. The stereo, and they tv.. I think... checked each breaker with everything off reads zero.. then reads a good 13.6... nothing to low or to high.... made sure today the blue mystery wire wasn't touching anything. It's possible it was touching metal. But unsure. I'm obviously frustrated. So all breakers are showing green (for the moment). I'm going to finish cleaning it today. And i guess see what happens... hopefully it's the blue mystery wire. And I can figure out where it's supposed to connect to or cap it off... just duck taped it out of harms way for now. (Away from any metal). If... and that's a big if... everything is still green in the morning. I would like to try out the stove, hot water tank, and switch the refrigerator to gas... just a little nervous at this point. I don't think it's a direct short. Or the fuse would blow right away. And other then it being marked as interior. I have no idea exactly what it running. I can't find anything but something is pulling amps from somewhere.