Today's update: First off I want to thank everyone for welcoming a rv newbie to your sight. With out the input, I wouldn't have thought of half these things. I just re-checked the fuse and .. I'm very happy to say... no red lights.. all fuses appear good still... I only did two things differently then I had been... one I had an open slot at the end of the breaker panel.. so I moved the wire from number 9 fuse and added it to the empty number 11 spot ( one screw /moved wire ) simple.. and added fuse... The second thing I did different was finding the blue mystery wire and temporary tape it out of any metal. Now that wire goes to something. I found that wire when I was installing the drain tube on the back of the refrigerator in the outside compartment. Looking at that compartment, the Refrigerator linew is on the right. And that blue wire is located on the right with a bunch of other wires... what made it stand out to me was everything was was bundled together in clouding blue wire but it was stuck on the middle of the insulation and wasn't connected to anything. I can see a very small metal circle inside that wire. And it was very close to the metal plate. I'm wondering if it was just close enough to make contact from time to time... hints blowing the fuse.... I know something isn't connected properly... the blue wire looks good its self just not connected where it should be. I don't see anything it can go into.. but it goes into something... ive searched high and low.. online and asked everyone I can think of for a diagram... but so far... no such luck.... I had a great time last night driveway camping... kept refrigerator on electric mode and water heater on gas mode... might try switching the hot water heater to electric mode ... but I don't know how this all works using house power... I'm going to need to take it somewhere with real 30 power supply...I have to admit... I'm a little nervous tho.. the longest thing I've ever pulled was a 28ft boat... and this thing just looks like a monster... but it's my monster, so I had better get used to it... any recommendations for gps type.. gadget to help me stay on big enough roads, is most helpful...( i just haven't had the time to Google that the mattress isn't going to work for long term camping... I started missing my bed about 4am... and that thing feels like I'm sleeping on card board... Also.. has anyone used 1000 trails before... I hear otherwise parts of the country has very nice places available but the Florida ones are just .. ok... Here's to hoping the fuse will last and Im able to finally plug the mystery wire in where it goes... Thank you for any and all help... I'm very grateful...